15 Sample Letters of Agreement Between Landlord and Tenant

Are you a landlord or tenant seeking to establish a clear understanding of your rental agreement?

Look no further!

This article presents 15 meticulously crafted sample letters of agreement between landlord and tenant.

Sample Letters of Agreement Between Landlord and Tenant

Sample Letters of Agreement Between Landlord and Tenant

These letters serve as essential tools for fostering a transparent and harmonious relationship between both parties.

By utilizing these templates, you can ensure that all critical aspects of your rental arrangement are addressed, minimizing the potential for misunderstandings or disputes down the line.

Whether you’re a seasoned property owner or a first-time renter, these sample letters will provide you with the guidance and confidence needed to create a solid foundation for your landlord-tenant relationship.

Let’s explore these 15 comprehensive examples and discover how they can benefit you in your rental journey.

Letter One: Security Deposit Agreement

Subject: Security Deposit Agreement for [Property Address]

This letter serves as an agreement regarding the security deposit for the rental property located at [Property Address]. As discussed, the security deposit amount is [Deposit Amount], which is due upon signing the lease agreement.

The security deposit will be held in a separate, interest-bearing account at [Bank Name]. The deposit will be returned to you within [Number of Days] days after the termination of the lease, provided that the property is left in the same condition as it was at the commencement of the tenancy, normal wear and tear excepted.

Please sign and date below to acknowledge your understanding and agreement to the terms outlined in this letter.

Tenant Signature: ______________________

Letter Two: Rent Payment Agreement

Subject: Rent Payment Agreement for [Property Address]

This letter outlines the rent payment agreement for the rental property located at [Property Address]. The monthly rent amount is [Rent Amount], due on the first day of each month.

Rent payments can be made via the following methods:

1. Check made payable to [Landlord Name]

2. Electronic transfer to [Bank Account Details]

3. Cash delivered in person to [Landlord Name]

Late payments will incur a fee of [Late Fee Amount] per day, beginning on the [Day] of the month. Returned checks will be subject to a [Returned Check Fee] fee.

Please sign and date below to acknowledge your understanding and agreement to the terms outlined in this letter.

Tenant Signature: ______________________

Letter Three: Pet Agreement

Subject: Pet Agreement for [Property Address]

This letter serves as an agreement regarding pets at the rental property located at [Property Address]. As discussed, you are permitted to have [Number and Type of Pets] on the premises.

By signing this agreement, you acknowledge the following:

1. You are responsible for any damage caused by your pet(s) to the property or common areas.

2. You will keep your pet(s) under control and will clean up after them regularly.

3. You will ensure that your pet(s) do not disturb other tenants or neighbors.

4. You will pay an additional pet deposit of [Pet Deposit Amount] and a monthly pet rent of [Pet Rent Amount].

Please sign and date below to acknowledge your understanding and agreement to the terms outlined in this letter.

Tenant Signature: ______________________

Letter Four: Maintenance Request Agreement

Subject: Maintenance Request Agreement for [Property Address]

This letter outlines the maintenance request agreement for the rental property located at [Property Address]. As a tenant, you are responsible for promptly reporting any maintenance issues or repairs needed to the landlord.

To submit a maintenance request, please follow these steps:

1. Contact [Landlord Name] via [Phone Number] or [Email Address].

2. Provide a detailed description of the issue, including its location and any relevant photos.

3. Allow [Number of Days] business days for the landlord to address the request and provide updates on the status of the repair.

In the event of an emergency, such as a gas leak or major water leak, please contact [Emergency Contact Name] at [Emergency Contact Number] immediately.

Please sign and date below to acknowledge your understanding and agreement to the terms outlined in this letter.

Tenant Signature: ______________________

Letter Five: Noise and Disturbance Agreement

Subject: Noise and Disturbance Agreement for [Property Address]

This letter serves as an agreement regarding noise and disturbances at the rental property located at [Property Address]. As a tenant, you are expected to respect the rights of other tenants and neighbors by maintaining a reasonable level of noise and avoiding any disturbances.

By signing this agreement, you acknowledge the following:

1. Quiet hours are from [Start Time] to [End Time] daily, during which time noise levels must be kept to a minimum.

2. Excessive noise, parties, or other disturbances that interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of other tenants or neighbors are strictly prohibited.

3. Any complaints received regarding noise or disturbances will be addressed by the landlord and may result in warnings or lease termination if the issue persists.

Please sign and date below to acknowledge your understanding and agreement to the terms outlined in this letter.

Tenant Signature: ______________________

Letter Six: Subletting Agreement

Subject: Subletting Agreement for [Property Address]

This letter outlines the subletting agreement for the rental property located at [Property Address]. As discussed, you are permitted to sublet the property under the following conditions:

1. The sublessee must complete a rental application and be approved by the landlord.

2. The sublessee must sign a separate sublease agreement with the tenant, which is subject to the landlord’s approval.

3. The tenant remains fully responsible for all obligations under the original lease agreement, including rent payments and any damages caused by the sublessee.

4. The subletting period is limited to [Number of Months] months, beginning on [Start Date] and ending on [End Date].

Please sign and date below to acknowledge your understanding and agreement to the terms outlined in this letter.

Tenant Signature: ______________________

Letter Seven: Parking Agreement

Subject: Parking Agreement for [Property Address]

This letter serves as an agreement regarding parking at the rental property located at [Property Address]. As a tenant, you are entitled to [Number of Parking Spaces] designated parking space(s) located at [Parking Space Location].

By signing this agreement, you acknowledge the following:

1. You will only park in your designated space(s) and will not park in any other tenant’s or visitor’s spaces.

2. You will keep your vehicle(s) in good working condition and will not store any inoperable vehicles on the property.

3. You will not use your parking space(s) for storage or any purpose other than parking your vehicle(s).

4. Any violations of this parking agreement may result in towing at the tenant’s expense or lease termination.

Please sign and date below to acknowledge your understanding and agreement to the terms outlined in this letter.

Tenant Signature: ______________________

Letter Eight: Rent Increase Notice

Subject: Rent Increase Notice for [Property Address]

This letter serves as a notice of rent increase for the rental property located at [Property Address]. As per the terms of your lease agreement, the landlord reserves the right to increase the rent with proper notice.

Effective [Date of Increase], your monthly rent will increase from [Current Rent Amount] to [New Rent Amount]. This increase is based on [Reason for Increase, e.g., market rates, property improvements, etc.].

Please sign and date below to acknowledge your receipt of this notice and your understanding of the rent increase. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [Landlord Name] at [Contact Information].

Tenant Signature: ______________________

Letter Nine: Lease Renewal Agreement

Subject: Lease Renewal Agreement for [Property Address]

This letter serves as an agreement for the renewal of your lease at the rental property located at [Property Address]. We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to extend your tenancy under the following terms:

1. The lease renewal period will begin on [Start Date] and end on [End Date].

2. The monthly rent during the renewal period will be [Renewal Rent Amount].

3. All other terms and conditions of the original lease agreement will remain in effect during the renewal period.

Please sign and date below to accept this lease renewal offer and acknowledge your understanding of the terms outlined in this letter. If you have any questions or wish to discuss any changes to the renewal terms, please contact [Landlord Name] at [Contact Information].

Tenant Signature: ______________________

Letter Ten: Tenant Move-Out Notice

Subject: Tenant Move-Out Notice for [Property Address]

Dear [Landlord Name],

This letter serves as a formal notice of my intention to move out of the rental property located at [Property Address]. As per the terms of my lease agreement, I am providing [Number of Days] days’ notice.

My last day of occupancy will be [Move-Out Date], and I will return all keys and access devices to you on or before that date. I will ensure that the property is cleaned and left in the same condition as it was at the commencement of my tenancy, with normal wear and tear excepted.

Please let me know if you have any specific move-out instructions or requirements, and kindly confirm receipt of this notice. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to a smooth transition.

Landlord Signature: ______________________

Letter Eleven: Early Lease Termination Agreement

Subject: Early Lease Termination Agreement for [Property Address]

Dear [Landlord Name],

I am writing to request an early termination of my lease agreement for the rental property located at [Property Address]. Due to [Reason for Early Termination], I am seeking to end my tenancy on [Desired Termination Date].

I understand that early lease termination may result in financial penalties, as outlined in my lease agreement. I am prepared to pay a termination fee of [Termination Fee Amount] and forfeit my security deposit to cover any losses incurred by the early termination.

Please let me know if you are willing to accommodate this request and if there are any additional steps I need to take to finalize the early lease termination. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Landlord Signature: ______________________

Letter Twelve: Landlord Notice of Entry

Subject: Landlord Notice of Entry for [Property Address]

This letter serves as a notice of the landlord’s intent to enter the rental property located at [Property Address]. As per the terms of your lease agreement and applicable state laws, the landlord or their authorized representative will enter the premises on [Date of Entry] between [Start Time] and [End Time] for the following purpose(s):

1. [Purpose of Entry, e.g., routine inspection, repairs, showing to prospective tenants, etc.]

2. [Additional Purposes, if applicable]

Please ensure that any pets are secured and that the landlord or their representative has unobstructed access to the necessary areas of the property. If the proposed date and time are not convenient for you, please contact [Landlord Name] at [Contact Information] to arrange an alternative time.

Letter Thirteen: Tenant Maintenance Request

Subject: Tenant Maintenance Request for [Property Address]

Dear [Landlord Name],

I am writing to request maintenance at the rental property located at [Property Address]. The following issue(s) require your attention:

1. [Description of Issue, e.g., leaking faucet, malfunctioning appliance, etc.]

2. [Additional Issues, if applicable]

Please address these maintenance concerns as soon as possible to prevent further damage and ensure the habitability of the rental unit. If you need to schedule a time to enter the property for repairs, kindly provide me with advance notice as per the terms of my lease agreement.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please feel free to contact me at [Tenant Contact Information] if you have any questions or require further information.

Letter Fourteen: Landlord Response to Maintenance Request

Subject: Response to Maintenance Request for [Property Address]

I have received your maintenance request dated [Date of Request] regarding the issues at the rental property located at [Property Address]. I appreciate you bringing these concerns to my attention.

I have scheduled a professional contractor to address the reported issues on [Date of Repair] between [Start Time] and [End Time]. Please ensure that the contractor has access to the necessary areas of the property during this time.

If the scheduled repair date and time are not convenient for you, please let me know as soon as possible so we can arrange an alternative time. Rest assured that I am committed to resolving these maintenance issues promptly to ensure your comfort and the proper functioning of the rental unit.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Landlord Contact Information].

Letter Fifteen: Security Deposit Disposition

Subject: Security Deposit Disposition for [Property Address]

This letter serves as a notice of the disposition of your security deposit following your move-out from the rental property located at [Property Address] on [Move-Out Date].

After conducting a thorough inspection of the property and accounting for any damages beyond normal wear and tear, the following deductions have been made from your security deposit:

1. [Description of Deduction, e.g., cleaning fees, repair costs, etc.]: [Deduction Amount]

2. [Additional Deductions, if applicable]: [Deduction Amount]

The total amount deducted from your security deposit is [Total Deduction Amount]. The remaining balance of [Refund Amount] will be refunded to you via [Refund Method, e.g., check, direct deposit] within [Number of Days] business days from the date of this letter.

An itemized list of deductions and copies of any relevant receipts or estimates are enclosed for your reference. If you have any questions or disputes regarding the deductions, please contact me at [Landlord Contact Information] within [Number of Days] days of receiving this letter.

Thank you for your tenancy, and I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

Enclosures: Itemized List of Deductions, Receipts/Estimates


These 15 sample letters of agreement between landlord and tenant cover a wide range of scenarios and provide a solid foundation for maintaining a clear and professional relationship.

By utilizing these templates and customizing them to suit your specific needs, you can ensure that all parties involved have a thorough understanding of their rights, responsibilities, and expectations.

Remember, clear communication and documentation are key to a successful landlord-tenant relationship, and these sample letters serve as valuable tools for achieving that goal.

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