Application object (Visio)

Represents an instance of Visio. An external program typically creates or retrieves an Application object before it can retrieve other Visio objects from that instance.

Use the Microsoft Visual Basic CreateObject function or the New keyword to run a new instance, or use the GetObject function to retrieve an instance that is already running. You can also use the CreateObject function with the InvisibleApp object to run a new instance that is invisible. Set the value of the InvisibleApp object's Visible property to True to show it.

Starting with Visio 2010, the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface (UI) replaced the previous system of layered menus, toolbars, and task panes. VBA objects and members that you used to customize the user interface in previous versions of Visio are still available in Visio, but they function differently.


Use the Documents, Windows, and Addons properties of an Application object to retrieve the Document, Window, and Addon collections of the instance.

Use the ActiveDocument, ActivePage, or ActiveWindow property to retrieve the currently active Document, Page, or Window object.

Use the BuiltInMenus, BuiltInToolbars, CustomMenus, CustomToolbars, or CommandBars property to access the Application object's menus and toolbars.

ActiveDocument is the default property of an Application object.

Code in the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications project of a Visio document can use the Visio global object instead of a Visio Application object to retrieve other objects.

If your Visual Studio solution includes the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio reference, this object maps to the following types:




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