The Key Building Blocks of an LLP Agreement: Decision-Making and Management

The LLP Agreement of any professional firm is a “living document” as it is a constant reference point throughout the business cycle of the firm. As well as containing day-to-day management and decision-making provisions, an LLP Agreement needs to adequately address all of the crucial junctures commonly faced by professional services firms, for example partner admissions, retirements, disputes and capital events.

Our new series of “bite-size” articles on the fundamental building blocks of an LLP Agreement will highlight the following key issues to consider when reviewing or drafting your firm’s LLP Agreement:

Decision-Making and Management Structure in LLP Agreements

The decision-making provisions in an LLP Agreement should ideally accord with the custom, practice and culture of the firm and its management structure.

Larger firms usually have more corporate style management structure with delegated authority given to a “Management Board” which is responsible for the day-to day management and strategic leadership of the firm. On the other end of the spectrum, smaller, owner-managed firms will usually have partners involved in most (if not all) aspects of management.

The decision-making provisions in your LLP Agreement will need to be aligned with your management structure (which may have changed significantly since your LLP Agreement was last updated).

Management Board

If management powers are delegated to a Management Board or other committee, you will need to consider the following:

Remuneration Committee

Some (typically larger) firms appoint a Remuneration Committee (usually independent of the Management Board) which assesses partner performance and/or makes determinations or recommendations regarding partner remuneration and lock-step progression.

If you do not already have a Remuneration Committee, you may wish to consider putting one in place to inject a degree of independence into the partner appraisal and remuneration process. It is also common for at least one member of the Remuneration Committee to be elected by partners. This may give partners some comfort that remuneration decisions will be fair and objective.

Some of the issues to consider in relation to a Management Board (as set out above) will also be relevant to the constitution and processes of a Remuneration Committee.


Most professional services firms will appoint key office-holders, for example a “Managing Partner” and/or “Senior Partner” or “Chair”. Senior office-holders tend to be elected for a fixed term (for example three/five years). Consideration should be given to the eligibility, election/appointment and removal, term of appointment and the delegated powers of each office-holder.

Reserved Matters

Notwithstanding the delegated powers given to a Management Board, Remuneration Committee or other committee or any office-holder, certain fundamental decisions will still be put to a partner vote.

Reserved matters typically include:

When reviewing reserved matters, you should consider:


Deadlock in decision-making can often be an issue for smaller firms, particularly those with a handful of “founder” partners who hold a majority of the voting rights.

You should think carefully about how any deadlock on a fundamental decision (for example, a sale/merger) should be resolved, especially as deadlock is often an indication that the relationship between partners (or particular constituencies) has broken down.

Typical provisions in an LLP Agreement which are aimed at resolving a deadlock include:

The second article in the series will discuss provisions designed to “lock” partners into the business, which is crucial to ensuring the stability and sustainability of a professional services firm whose essential value is in its people.

If you have any questions or would like advice regarding your LLP Agreement or any of the issues discussed above please contact Zulon Begum or Clare Murray.

Employment and Partnership law: REVIEWING YOUR LLP/PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT <a href=Author Zulon Begum" width="580" height="326" />