How to update the NXT firmware in NXT-G

update NXT

How to update the firmware on the NXT using NXT-G:

  1. First, make sure that the NXT is on and connected to the computer.
  2. Under Tools on the menu at the top of the screen, choose Update NXT Firmware.
    A pop-up window will appear, showing you the current firmware on the NXT and the version(s) available for download to the NXT.
  3. Select the firmware version you wish to use (probably the most recent one) and click Download.
  4. The NXT screen will go blank and you will hear a faint clicking noise. As the firmware download progresses, the Progress bars will light up green. Once the download is complete, you will hear a fanfare and see the message “Successfully downloaded firmware!”
  5. Click on Close to close the download window. Your NXT firmware is now ready to use.

Barbara Bratzel

Barbara teaches at the Shady Hill School in Cambridge, Massachusetts and works at the Center for Engineering and Education Outreach at Tufts University. She is the author of several LEGO robotics activity books for teachers, most recently STEM by Design.