My Mensa is your Mensa

A potted plant

American Mensa continues to grow and thrive because you find value in your membership and choose to nurture it.

We hope that you’ll get involved in the organization at the level you’re most comfortable. In the meantime, please use the resources below to manage your Mensa membership.

You may want to start by updating your Membership Profile and reviewing our website to find the best ways to get involved locally, regionally, or nationally.

Information about your membership, including your contact information, Communications Preferences, invoices and more.

Renew your membership with American Mensa online.

Information about your Local Group, including an officer directory, Local Group geography and more.

Interact with other Mensans, your Local Group, local and national officers, and Special Interest Groups in our online communities.

American Mensa offers a number of benefits and services to its members, and often members are able to offset their annual dues through the discounts provided by our providers.

The marks are among Mensa’s most valuable assets. In order to protect Mensa’s rights in the marks, their use must be limited. This policy statement sets forth the conditions under which the marks may and may not be used.

The Continuous Membership Buyback Program was created in response to the many member requests for a way to address a lapse and maintain their original join date.

The Statement of Rights and Responsibilities pulls together pertinent pieces from Mensa's Constitution, Bylaws, ASIEs, and other approved policies in order to support member safety within the organization.

Use the Test Score Release Authorization process to request that a copy of your raw scores and percentile ranks be sent to other organizations for proof of qualification.