Despite corporate claims about genetically modified crops providing greater yields, more drought resistance, and increased nutrition, NONE of these traits have come to market. The majority of genetic modification is about patenting and owning seed varieties that survive the herbicides and pesticides that these same corporations manufacture and sell—modifications that yield huge profits. Patenting and owning the rights to seeds limits farmers' choices, prevents them from collecting/saving seeds, eliminates traditional and heirloom seed varieties, leading to controlled pricing, food insecurity, and food shortages.


  1. GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are the result of forcing genes from one species into another entirely unrelated species. Unlike cross breeding or hybridization—both of which involve two related species and have been done without ill effects for centuries—genetic engineering forcefully breaches the naturally-occuring barriers between species.
  2. Crops genetically modified to resist herbicides (weedkillers) have dramatically increased the use of herbicides , due to weeds' ongoing evolving resistance to the chemicals.
  3. The safety of GM foods for human consumption has no scientific consensus. GM foods get approved based on their corporation's internal science. These studies are not peer-reviewed by independent scientists, nor are they available to the public.